Br Louis addressed our group on Tuesday. He spoke of Our Lady Help of Christians. He read to us parts of the Acts of the Apostles, about Mary's role in the early Church. Mrs Robertson then asked us to write a poem or song or list about Mary.
Our Lady Help of Christians
The feast of Our Lady, Help of Christians, was established after Pope Pius VII after he was freed from captivity by Napoleon.
The feast of Our Lady, Help of Christians, was established after Pope Pius VII after he was freed from captivity by Napoleon.
Pope Pius VII instituted the feast in July, 1814 when he returned to Rome, after his arrest in 1808.
The feast is also associated with the Christian victory at the Battle of Lepanto, where a united Christian fleet defeated a fleet from the Ottoman Empire, which threatened to invade all of Europe. Pope Pius V had told people to pray to Our Lady and, in thanks to Mary, instituted the title Our Lady, Help of Christians.
The feast is celebrated on the 24th of May every year and we remember this feast in Australia, as Our Lady Help of Christians is a patron saint of Australia. ~ Anthony